If you are interested in purchasing this painting
please email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com
I know, I know you have already seen this piece, but
I have some bragging to do. I entered 'Sonata' in the
Open Regional Exhibit at the Pendleton Center for the
Arts and darn if I didn't win Best of Show. So there
she hangs with a ribbon next to her as proud as can be.
I have been in many juried and judged shows and I
have won a few awards but this is the first Best of Show.
It was very fun to see all the talent in the show and
there was quite a showing. I didn't know many of the
artists. I live in a remote area and the show covered
Southeast Washington and Eastern Oregon. There is a
good bit of artistic talent out here.
Prudence Roberts was the judge. She is an Art History
teacher at one of the better community colleges for art
in Portland Oregon. She curates the gallery at the college.
She previously curated the American and European Art at
the Portland Museum of Art. It was fantastic having a
highly qualified judge for the show. The director of the
Pendleton Center for the Arts did a fantastic job of hanging
the work. It is no easy task in an open show to orchestrate
all the different work.
oh, Congratulations, Katherine! Best of Show is a lovely acknowledgement of this very lovely painting!
WooHoo. Congratulations Katherine
Congratulations. It is well deserved.
Yippeee!!! I am so excited for you and you certainly deserve this award. You have a beautiful spirit to match your beautiful work, Katherine.
Bravo! Best of Show is the Big One...you must be very pleased. Congratulations!
Jan, Terry, Uta,Zappha, Kathy, and May Ann you all have me smiling a big smile. I feel like a circle of friends is growing and it feels wonderful!
oh, Katherine, a huge congratulations! - very well deserved!
Thank you Jeane.
Oh wow! Well deserved! Well done Katherine.
Thank you Robyn.
Congratulations again! A beautiful piece of work and certainly deserves some bragging!!!! I was not able to be at the judge's talk prior to the show. Sorry I missed hearing her.
Thank you Dianna. Me also. I understand it will be posted on Eastern Oregonian's website..the video. Once again it was a treat meeting you!
Go ahead, brag away!
I love the colors in this abstract painting.
The blueish-purples, teals, and blacks all work so nicely together!
Thank you Dean for giving bragging support. And of course for the color choice support.
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