Friday, June 26, 2009

Elizabeth Bunsen- Art and Meaning

"Dreaming in Chinese" mixed media 5 3/4" x 8"

"What is the meaning of doing art for you"?

Why do I pick up these tools day after day? I pick up these
tools because this is my path and it is always a path of
discovery - a path through time, memory and dreaming and
when these ephemeral elements dance and sing together in
concert a mirror is held up to my soul - that place of inner
yearning where all meaning resides. I pick up these tools to
find presence - to forget and to simultaneously remember the
place at the center of the whirling day to day - to reside in
that still point of joy and wonder.

Elizabeth's blog:
Her blog shop:
Her etsy:
Her email:


eb said...

thank you Katherine - such a wonderful project - I am so pleased to be a part of it and love reading the responses from the other artists - it would make a terrific book...

xox - eb.

Anonymous said...

fabulous project...anxious to go see all the featured artists!

eb is a gem :)


Jeane Myers said...

oooo, I like this piece very much!

SIGRID said...

I like your powerful colours of your
Abstracts Gallery NEW YORK. Sigrid

Zen Cat Art said...

Great piece! eb is grand! and what a delightful idea!

Seth said...

eb -- you are a wonder! perfect.

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

What wonderful says "Dreaming in Chinese"!!!

Katherine said...

Elizabeth it has been a pleasure featuring your response and art. This project would be nothing with out all the artists that are responding. Thank you. I have every intention of seeing this as a book, the hows and whys will reveal themselves at the right time.

Katherine said...

Thank you and welcome to the Art and Meaning project Stephannie, Sigrid, Zen Cat and Seth. Thank you for visiting and appreciating Elizabeth's lovely work and words.

Katherine said...

Hi Jean and Mary Ann! I like this piece a lot also, of course you know me and red. Thank you for visiting Elizabeth. You are both the best!