If you are interested in purchasing this painting please email
me at katherine@katherintreffinger.com
The art supplies arrived and it is back to the studio with me
today. I am looking forward to it as I have two pieces close
to being finished. I love this part of the process. Starting is
the hardest, putting the first paint down especially to a
blank canvas. I always want to hurry up and cover it so I
can start working the paint.
I think I am going to a workshop this weekend on Monoprint
making. If that is the case I am sure you will hear all about
it on Monday. I am very excited about the possibility.
i enjoy the above piece a lot. Feels analog to me... like an old stand up radio my dad had. I want to turn knobs and see the sound waves bounce.
The gentle, almost antiqued tones in this painting are a departure for you, but I really like them. I know what you mean about the finishing up part of a painting. I began a big one right after the new year and kind of got stuck one one part of it. So, I just put aside for later, Yesterday I had a epiphany, after stripping off the part I didn't like. I worked as late as I could, got up early and painted before school, and have been counting the minutes all day to get back to it. I think I will finish it tomorrow (have to go to Home Depot and get an electric sander first; see you ARE an inspiration). I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with monoprinting!
Love this "more mellow" departure from the works I've seen of yours - very nice!
Any chance you'll be at Crow's Shadow for the monoprint workshop?
Chris nice to see you here. I know exactly the radio you are talking about! Thank you for visiting and commenting.
Kathy I look forward to your posting of the new painting sounds very interesting.
Thank you Dianna. I am pretty sure that is exactly where I am going to be this week end. I know I sound a bit mysterious but my car is now on a test drive from a blown head gasket repair. If it is in fact fixed and I don't blow a head gasket when I write the check I will be there. Are you going?
oh my, you and sunrise sister in the same place...i can see the creativity rising from clear across the state!!
Lucy it wasn't in the stars. I never made it to the workshop.
It almost looks like a close up of a huge metal door.
Also, this sounds kind of weird but upon first glance it looks like a series of signatures are on the bottom half, center of the painting.
Once I enlarged the picture though I saw it was just squiggly lines. LOL
Dean my abstracts always remind me of something, glad you could get a laugh off it. Sorry about your pears, they do that quickly.
Hey Katherine - So sorry that you missed the workshop. It was full of life for two days and a lot of wonderful artists working away. I did find out for myself that working in ink the way that is required for hand-pulled printing is not a medium that I will expand into. It is so messy - all day - cleaning up - remixing - clean-ing, re-inking, cleaning......my hands feel like they've been through a grater!:) Anyway, sounds like your weekend at home sorting through the artwork was worthwhile. We will definitely meet somewhere in person one of these days! I suspect "Radio Flyer" might arrive today - I look forward to having it in my hands!
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