If you are interested in purchasing this painting please
contact me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com
I now have three unfinished paintings going in my studio,
maybe today I'll get another one going. I am letting pieces
dry a little before I go back in. I did this piece in the fall.
beautiful warm energy from this... r.
Thank you Rahina for visiting. I needed warm today. It is so cold here!
Waaauuuuuw this is soooooo beautiful!!!!!!!
I really love the colors, makes me think of Mexico :-)
Love, love, love your work. I have been attempting to do some abstract painting and keep coming back to your site and reading your post about control and letting yourself go.
I'm having a hard time with it. I just posted my first attempts at abstract but I'm calling them SEMI-abstract in that I ended up controlling the results. I would love you to critique them. Thanks so much for your inspiring art!
Sylvie I can see that association. When I was in my twenties my largest passion in life was traveling to Mexico and Guatemala. It was an innocent place then. Anyhow I can see how it would find its way into my paintings.
Cathy thank you for your appreciation. I looked at your abstracts. You have a nice sense of composition. What I would suggest is to keep going. My challenge in painting is to not stop too early, to not let the painting become too precious to keep going and create something interesting in the paint itself. The other thing I would recommend is taking a medium size canvas or piece of paper and draw a graph of squares and put individual colors in the top squares and side squares and then mix those colors that are beside and above all the other squares. Keep track of the colors you are mixing. Then play with colors by adding gray, black and white. Color is so much fun to know. Hope this is helpful.
Katherine thank you so much! With my piece I titled edge of pond I DID stop early in the process because I liked it and was afraid I was going to screw it up if I added anymore paint.
I need to keep practicing the art of letting go and also release myself from the fear of being wrong.
I will definitely use your idea of the squares and mixing colors. I will keep repeating to myself to PLAY & have FUN with the process and not worry about the end results! Thanks again and have a great weekend!!
Your welcome Cathy. Sometimes the history of the process on the painting is the most interesting part, especially abstract.
Thanks Rachel!
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