If you are interested in purchasing this painting please
email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com
Today I am amazed at this blog business. I was hesitant to do
it, wondering how people would find the blog. Today is my
20th posting and I have had 607 visitors from 22 countries as
of yesterday. Isn't that so cool? What a wondrous thing this
internet is!!! We can enjoy and be inspired by each others
work, be it visual or words, and we can be anywhere in the
world. Now I am sure for you young people out there that
isn't so amazing, you grew up with this. For me, I am in awe.
Yesterday I changed my blog a little and placed Giclee prints
of three of my drawings on the side bar. Please take a look.
Congratulations on your wonderful blogging connections. Glad I could spread the word for you if even just a little!
Sunrise sister I am sure you did. Thank you so much!
the blog is a wonderful way to communicate when you are in front o a canvas most of your days sometimes not sure whether you have achieved what you wished to do. enjoying your blog katherine. r.
I agree Rahina, up until starting this blog I used Flickr to this purpose. I have developed friendships there with artists that are very honest with me about the work. It is invaluable.
Well now you've had another new visitor! I'm so glad to have found you. Your Bio is very inspiring and your use of colour - simply glorious! Having said that, it may sound strange, but my favourite are the Crows - "Says who?" =)
Really exciting work! I'll be back.
Hi Katherine, thanks for your lovely comment on my blog, and how wonderful, because it's led me here to you. What a fantastic website you have...your work is beautiful.
Yes, I was hesistant to start a blog too...glad I did though.
I liked reading your "About The Artist" just wonderful...I will be back, Jo
Rosie so nice to meet you. Thank you for your supportive comments, I do love color but I understand, I love charcoal also. I don't work with charcoal as often I notice and I think it is simply how hard it is on my hands to draw. I really abuse the paper and in turn my hands.
diddams thank you for visiting. I paid a short visit to your work and liked what you are doing. Very nice color and shape.
Jo it is so nice to have you visit, I loved the subtleness of your work, a feat I find very hard to accomplish. I am such a slave to boldness. It's different that's all. Beautiful work you do!
I'm another new visitor, can't remember how I got here but glad I did. Your paintings are divine and I love dropping by everyday to see what's new and maybe absorb a tiny bit of inspiration.
Thank you Dee. Wonderful meeting you.
hello, and thank you for leaving a colourful fingerprint on my pages! it's fun being part of the big friendly spiderweb...
Hi India thank you for wandering over my way. I love your blog!
Katherine so amazing the connections this blogging makes. I am in awe too. I like reading what you have to say about what you are doing.
So Anthony why is your blog not available?? I love to visit those who visit me. Thanks for visiting and commenting.
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