If you are interested in purchasing this painting please
email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com
I just finished this painting yesterday, or at least I am
pretty certain it is finished. I had great fun painting it.
I love painting like this with such abandon and witnessing
the outcome. I don't think much while I paint these larger
pieces I just move and put paint on the brush. Then I sit
back on the couch and stare at it. Then something comes
to me and I am up and moving again. It is a very intuitive
For some reason the thought keeps coming to me to try
and land a gallery in Chicago. I have never been there.
If you have any ideas about this or know Chicago and
have some suggestions please let me know.
Hi Katherine, I love the description of your spontaneous and intuitive process to your painting. I can feel that energy coming from it. I wish I could get right up close and personal to see all the details and textures!
I don't know Chicago, but have come across this gallery a number of times, and a friend that lives there went recently and was very impressed - it might be worth checking out: Woman Made Gallery I say go with your instincts and best of luck!! Karin
Beautiful piece! BTW - I received "Radio Flyer" today - it is a lively little piece and I'm so glad to have it. (It was mailed USPS 3/23 and I received it noon today 3/25 - I had told the gallery that there was no hurry and I'm pleased with my delivery.)
this is so beautiful!! i love your description of your process, too-- it's very much the same way i work, staring at something until an idea comes about where to go next. wonderful. :)
Dianna I am so glad you received Radio Flyer and that you like it.
Karin thank you for your feedback and support. It is a limitation of pictures that you can't see all of what is going on in a painting. I was looking at the painting today thinking the photo doesn't do it justice. Ah well. I have heard of Woman Made Gallery over the years I have seen their calls to artists.
Jess I think following those ideas are the most important thing an artist can do. Sometimes I sit looking at the piece with an idea and I think but what would I do after that? Then I realize...Why would the next idea come if I haven't respected and followed through on the previous one? Then I get out of my seat and carry through with the idea.
hi katherine,
i love your work. I have just recently moved to Chicago and am going to spend this year visiting galleries. If I find any of any interest, I will be sure to shoot you an email!
Thank you Bridgett, I 'd love to hear anything you come up with. How are you liking living there?
Very colorful!
This one is noticeably different than some of your more recent works in that the paint runs quite a bit on this one.
I like the primitive shapes floating about too!
I'm from Chicago and will e-mail you some info, Katherine.
Dean this is the way I paint when I have a larger canvas. And for some reason faced with a smaller canvas I go to where I have always gone with them...geometric.
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