I spent all afternoon in the studio yesterday. What a great
thing! I think the painting is finished that I am posting today.
I signed it any how. Besides finishing (?) this one I worked
on a larger one and tried to remain a kid with it, playing with
shapes and colors. Some of my freshest work has been created
if I am successful at staying playful. Hopefully I am back to the
play room today. I'll make it to the studio at any rate.
Great painting!
Thank you Sylvie. That's nice to hear.
I especially like this one...bouncy circles and lovely yellow space...full of play!
i love how you play, katherine!
btw--i bought my yellow/golden candle today :-)
Nice job Katherine.
I love the feel and movement of this painting. I agree that when the signature goes on the painting is done. Unless of course it sits around the studio for a few months and the artist has some time on their hands.
Thank you Blue Sky for your visit and support of me having a good time. I like that!
Lucy in the sky sharing her diamonds of support thank you for your support and visit. And congratulations on the little touch of gold!
Brian thank you. I can't tell you how many paintings I have signed and reworked. I have to stop on this one however as it sold. That'll do it!
There was a legal case involving an artist who removed a sold painting off the owner's wall and completely repainted it. The owners sued...and lost! So if you decide this one's not done, you have the law on your side! (Of course you'd probably lose some nice collectors.)
This is a beautiful painting--sure looks complete to me!
I'll remember that Don. You are so good at keeping me laughing. Thank you for that. A friend bought the painting. He might not be a friend for long if took the painting or better yet delivered it different. Thanks for the vote of confidence by the way. I am loving the Pendleton paintings.
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