If you are interested in purchasing this painting please
email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com
I have Pandora playing as I do my internet work and I
ask you how can a girl come up with something intelligent
to say when the Beatles are singing 'Back In the USSR'? I
just wanted to get up and dance. Alas I am working in a very
small office with my dog at my feet. It just would not have
I have been feeling a bit blocked creatively lately, it seems
all I could make was a mess. I have learned though that
often I make another step forward with my expression
after these periods. Here's to hoping that is the case.
Yesterday I saw a bit of an opening and was able to finish
2 paintings.
I love this..If I was blocked and I painted like that.. I would want to stay blocked.. The colors are wonderful.. Oil..I wish I was not afraid of it..
Be true,
Hi Katherine,
Popping by again! I love your use of colour in all your works.They are vibrant!
Don't be afraid of oils Katelen, they are the most forgiving of all the mediums!
Derrick thank you so much for your visit and comment. I love color!
Oh wow, Katherine I love this piece!
Thank you Robyn. Kind of reminds me of one of your doors.
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