Today I decided to post the painting that is my header
I am so pleased with the way my Art and Meaning
project is unfolding. It is truly a wish coming true.
My next wish is for it to become a book, but I will be
patient, I need many more artists to respond.
Being an artist is also a wish come true. I did not realize
that wish until I was in my 40's. I was sitting with a
friend talking about my frustrations. She asked me who
I was envious of. The answer was simple, why my artist
friends. She commissioned me on the spot to do a piece
of work for her. Thank you Elizabeth. I feel very blessed
to be connected with my creativity, it hasn't always been
easy, but it has always been a blessing.
This is a great painting; lively with color and movement. Thanks for letting us see it in its entirety. I enjoyed hearing the story of your journey to art. How fantastic that you began painting.
I came late to art too. It was always a yearning but I never got around to it till I was 40. I finally did and studied clay and glass design before finally starting to paint in 2005. Now its part of my everyday life, yay.
Your story is inspirational. So is your work - thanks for sharing both with me!
wow! Such an explosion of color...I love it!!
This is a favorite of mine...thank you for posting it all so we might see the detail...it is lovely!
Thank you also for sharing your story!
I agree with everyone else - I love seeing the whole painting - it's really lovely
This piece is so full of passion.
I think your book will be a success when you publish..As artist we need that connection with others artists. We all have that need to create and search for the inspiration of a new journey.
I too started painting late in life following the death of my wife. Life presents inspiration if we let it.
Hello Katherine,
I keep popping back here to catch up on your fellow artist's views and see your paintings. How fortunate you were to get that commission from your friend and start the ball rolling! Like everyone else, I'm glad to see your header in full.
Thank you Leslie! I had to pull out the stops following Joseph and post one of my favorite paintings :>} I actually started creating collages and didn't start painting until I was 45. Collage taught me a lot about composition and color. Thanks for visiting.
Uta well you are very impressive what you have accomplished in 4 years! Best of luck on your show!
Dianna thank you for visiting and commenting. I love it when I can inspire. Thank you. You do some very lovely art work yourself.
David thank you. I'd like another explosion to come my way. The angel of creativity was in the studio that day.
And thank you Mary Ann for visiting and commenting.
Thanks Jeane!
I couldn't agree with you more Katelen. I can't tell you how many times I have questioned why I do what I do which was the incentive for this project. I came up with the idea years ago and here it is manifesting.
John you are an inspiration, taking such loss and turning it into beauty. Thank you for your visit and comments. We like the same colors do we not?
Thank you Derrick for continuing to pop back here! And yes I feel very fortunate to have started with a commission. Thankful that I was pushed to follow my bliss when I had no idea that I had an ounce of talent.
I LOVE that you are showing your header in this post.
Very neat idea!
Another awesome abstract!
I've always been curious about the title of this painting. It's so hard to imagine that you didn't always paint because it seems to be what you were born to do. You are so natural, yet so accomplished. It enourages me to know that your were inspired by no less than a fairy godmother. Please know how much the beauty of your work and your encouragment inspired me take the principles I learned from my collages and begin painting myself,
Thanks Dean...it was about time don't you think?
Kathy thank you for your comment. I am touched. Keep painting and be patient. Wish fulfilling Gem is a Secret Dakini tarot card. For some reason I thought of it when I finished the painting. When I was posting it I went back to the deck and was surprised by the visual. I remembered it as much more exciting.
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