"Deep Sea Diving", Oil on Canvas, 36x48, $2600
If you are interested in purchasing this painting please
email me at
katherine@katherinetreffinger.com"In my case all ...... painting is an accident. I foresee it , yet hardly ever carry
it out as I foresee it. It transforms itself by the actual paint. I don't in fact know
very often what the paint will do and it does many things which are very much
better than i could make it do. Perhaps one could say it is not an accident because
it becomes a selective process which part of the accident one chooses to preserve."
Francis Bacon
My friend
Cindy Bilotti sent this quote to me this morning and I love it! It states
perfectly my relationship to paint!
A couple of months ago I submitted to
Guardino Gallery's call for artists for 2011.
Yesterday I received the news that I will be showing for the month of April with
sculptural artist
Maria Wickwire. I am excited. I showed at this gallery many
years ago, a showing of my drawings. I really like the the gallery, the location
(Alberta St. in Portland), and the gallery owner, Donna Guardino. I have never
seen Maria's work in person but went to her site and saw her beautiful work.
The other part of this that excites me is the fact that I have a deadline and have
to paint. Deadlines are a real motivator for me. Pathetic how difficult it is for me to
get to the studio otherwise! I posted Deep Sea Diving as I walked into the gallery
with a few paintings and I believe this is the one that sold here
On another front I have finally finished the brochure I have been working on for
my other profession and it is published on line at
Check out the lovely blog of M. Heart, she has posted a mention of the brochure in
her posting "links for lunch" today.
http://secretnotebookswildpages.blogspot.comToday I plan to order the printing of the actual brochure. If you want a copy or
know the perfect place for a stack of them feel free to
email me.