If you are interested in purchasing this drawing please
email me at katherine@katherinetreffinger.com
I have been so negligent of my blogs lately. It has been a busy time for
me. I have started working on a screenplay with Kirby. Since it is my
story, I am having to lay the foundation. Needless to say I have not
been spending much time in the studio. When I do go to the studio I
have been getting nothing but frustration as the piece I am working on
is definitely not cooperating. I am going to have to start kicking into
creative gear soon as I now have a commission. A lovely couple from
Seattle, referred from the show in Walla Walla visited my studio this
weekend and told me what they wanted and it will be a large painting.
It is a bit ironic because I did a whole group of smaller paintings for the
show against my desire to paint large, and here the sale is a large painting.
Follow your bliss!
What do you think of the new blog template?
Congratulations on the commission! The studio will be busy for sure!
I like your header very much...the detail is so lovely!
Katherine---I am so happy for you and this commission. You were just talking about it and there it is! What you put forth into the universe does arrive, doesn't it? All in it's own time I guess. I can't wait to get back in the groove once Oct. rolls around. This job has me pooped most days and then the weekend has to be used to catch up around home. All in good time though. I am visualizing my wheel of fortune year. It shall be so!
Hi Katherine, wonderful drawing. you left a comment on my zen gardens-- actually the images I posted are the ponds and rocky areas with statues-- there is so much more planted areas with many different types of plants and trees-- all take much maintenance- the ponds need to be cleaned and I even have to weed the gravel :-) I read Annell's post on rejections and it is the flip side to being an artist-- but part of the whole.
Thank you Mary Ann. I changed my template and decided to try a larger header. Don't know how I feel about it yet. Yes I am excited about the commission. I am off to Portland this weekend to get a large canvas.
Thank you Teri. I am anxious to start the painting, need my canvas first.
Donna I truly admire your focus with the garden.Thank you for the comment on the drawing. Are you going to do an art and meaning response?
Congratulations on the commission, Katherine. I saw the WW show over the weekend. It's absolutely wonderful. My husband can't stop talking about "the witness" :)
I love the large header, Katherine. In fact, I wanted a larger header when I changed mine a few months ago. Would you mind sharing how you got it so large? I've been unable to accomplish this!
I am SO interested in the screenplay and can't wait to see the new commission when you finish it. I have three large (for me) pieces in process for the new gallery. I hope I have sufficiently expressed my gratitude to you for all the help you have given me the past three years. I have absolutely no doubt that I would never have progressed to this point without you. Thank you so much for helping me realize my dreams and for the encouragement you've so generously given..
Thank you Kayce for going to the show! I am so happy you enjoyed it. The Witness inspired the commissioning of a larger piece.
Kathy I did one of the new templates that allows for more room foe text on the posts and may have more room for the header. I made it in photoshop. I think the measurement is something like 4x8 inches. If you need guidance with it email me and we can work on it.
Thank you for giving me so much inspiration credit, you are the one girl with the sense of color, whimsy and the persistence!
I'll be posting the commission as I progress I imagine.
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