"What is the meaning of doing art for you"?
Right now I think that painting is the most beautiful
thing that has ever happened in my life. It continues
to amaze me daily, and has helped me to survive what
has been one of the most painful times of my life.
My art journey started about two years ago, after the
death of my mother. Something really mysterious
happened that I am in awe over. Two years ago in
July about 200 crows landed on my house and were
making a lot of noise. My husband commented that it
was like something out of a scene from Hitchcock's
movie "The Birds". I thought it was amazing at the time
and very strange as I had never seen that many crows
together, and they were just sitting on our house and
just screaming at us. I had no idea that this was the
beginning of an amazing story that would affect my life
forever and change everything about it.
thing that has ever happened in my life. It continues
to amaze me daily, and has helped me to survive what
has been one of the most painful times of my life.
My art journey started about two years ago, after the
death of my mother. Something really mysterious
happened that I am in awe over. Two years ago in
July about 200 crows landed on my house and were
making a lot of noise. My husband commented that it
was like something out of a scene from Hitchcock's
movie "The Birds". I thought it was amazing at the time
and very strange as I had never seen that many crows
together, and they were just sitting on our house and
just screaming at us. I had no idea that this was the
beginning of an amazing story that would affect my life
forever and change everything about it.
The night after these crows came to our house, I had a
dream that they all were in this beautiful tree (I would
call it the tree of life). They all had colored woven fibers
that they were weaving into this beautiful tapestry. They
took this tapestry or blanket and wrapped it around my
mothers body and lifted her up to the beautiful blue sky
as if they were offering her to the Universe. I remember
that her body looked new and transformed. I woke up
and thought the dream was strange, but had no idea
what meaning it would take on. A couple of weeks later
my mother went from being a mostly healthy 82 year old
to being given six weeks to live. She was diagnosed with
several brain tumors. My mom was my closest and dearest
friend. I had the privilege of helping her through those last
six weeks of her life and being there when she made her
transition. Her promise to me was that she would give me
a sign and come to me through a crow or raven.
Since her death, I have seen so many, just when I need them.
It's all so mysterious and fascinating. There are many more
beautiful parts to this story and all of my art is about her
story and it helps to lift my heavy grief. Art has helped to heal
me in so many ways. It can be very frustrating at times,
because the images I see in my mind are so beautiful that I
feel I will never be able to capture them fully. But the process
is so healing and powerful that it doesn't matter to me
anymore about how my finished product turns out. I am a
beginner and just learning so many things. It's really exciting
to know that I can put my pain, joy, wonder and everything
else my heart feels into a piece of art. It's wonderful to be
able to tell a story and connect with others in that way. I
really believe we are all connected and art speaks to the soul
at that level. It helps you to not feel so alone on this planet,
you know?
dream that they all were in this beautiful tree (I would
call it the tree of life). They all had colored woven fibers
that they were weaving into this beautiful tapestry. They
took this tapestry or blanket and wrapped it around my
mothers body and lifted her up to the beautiful blue sky
as if they were offering her to the Universe. I remember
that her body looked new and transformed. I woke up
and thought the dream was strange, but had no idea
what meaning it would take on. A couple of weeks later
my mother went from being a mostly healthy 82 year old
to being given six weeks to live. She was diagnosed with
several brain tumors. My mom was my closest and dearest
friend. I had the privilege of helping her through those last
six weeks of her life and being there when she made her
transition. Her promise to me was that she would give me
a sign and come to me through a crow or raven.
Since her death, I have seen so many, just when I need them.
It's all so mysterious and fascinating. There are many more
beautiful parts to this story and all of my art is about her
story and it helps to lift my heavy grief. Art has helped to heal
me in so many ways. It can be very frustrating at times,
because the images I see in my mind are so beautiful that I
feel I will never be able to capture them fully. But the process
is so healing and powerful that it doesn't matter to me
anymore about how my finished product turns out. I am a
beginner and just learning so many things. It's really exciting
to know that I can put my pain, joy, wonder and everything
else my heart feels into a piece of art. It's wonderful to be
able to tell a story and connect with others in that way. I
really believe we are all connected and art speaks to the soul
at that level. It helps you to not feel so alone on this planet,
you know?
If you belong to Creative Souls Lucienne's work may be seen at:
creativesouls She is relatively new to being an artist and has no other links.
creativesouls She is relatively new to being an artist and has no other links.
What a beautiful and inspiring story. Thank you for sharing such a personal special journey!
Truly beautiful; both the story and the painting.
This tree painting is a wordless expressive story of great beauty. May the healing process continue.
Thank you for sharing an amazing story. I love the painting and am off to see more.
a rich wonderful story - art does heal - there is not doubt about it - you are one of the lucky ones to have found this incredible way to journey through life - thanks for sharing :)
Beautiful story by Lucienne and an amazing painting too!
Thank you Michelle, Zappha, Mary Ann, Robyn, Jeane and Dean for commenting and lending your support and feedback to Lucienne's wonderful response and art work. I was thrilled to receive it from her.
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