I am slugging along with this painting in the heat.
I spend an awful lot of time sitting on a chair in
Don's studio. Don mentioned that with all the energy
in my paintings it surprised him what a contemplative
process it is for me. It is true. I get clear on one thing
to try, and then I do it until I am no longer knowing
what to do then I go back and sit in the chair and
stare until the next step comes to me. The big trick
is to get up and paint when an idea comes to me and
not want the next 3 or 4 ideas to come. It does not
work that way for me. Right now I am working with
getting the eye to carry all the way through from left to
right and not be 2 paintings. I have never worked with
this long of a canvas and it is a challenge to pull the eye
all the way across.
I am thinking about using grommets instead of stretching it.
Anybody know about this? Do they need reinforcing?
Would it hang straight?
this is so wonderful following your journey with this painting - for me, it is starting to have a mood and have a reason to take up the space - I was thinking how hard this would be for me for one reason - I wouldn't be able to turn the piece while I was working on it :)
Aah, this is really looking good. I can feel the atmosphere in the painting.
The idea of painting and then sitting and studying is a familiar pattern for me even on my small little paintings. I bet the challenge of working all over rather than from one side to another is an interesting one. It's looking terrific! Remind me where you're planning to place this upon completion.....
Katherine, great to follow the progress of this work. I got to you from Don's site which I visit regularly. This is a very dynamic painting. I think you sitting still maybe a way to get the painting to "sit still" as well as I suppose it needs to move but come back on itself? Sorry, sounds a bit crazy. I am interested - your inner drive for this painting, is it coming from images you are familiar with or emotions and feelings you are tapping into?
I'm so liking this piece. Wow, it is a challenge and your process is serving you well. I like the idea of grommets but know nothing about what might be required...keep painting and sitting and staring and painting.....
Jeane I can really relate to that. I am almost having to reinvent how I work with this. I can't turn it over nor lay it down flat. Some of the affects I get can only happen when I pour paint on a flat canvas. Zao Wou Ki worked huge canvases on the floor with a bridge. That wouldn't really work for me either. I'll have to reinvent the way I work or put grommets on at the beginning so I can remove it from the wall. I do love working this large.
Rachel Lautrec?
Thank you Robyn for checking in with my process here.
Dianna thank you for the support on my process. Jeez when I know where it will hang I'll let you know. I wish I knew who would buy it or sell it.
Sheila I am curious what you mean about stillness and movement. As far as the drive for the painting, it is what I do and I wanted to do it large. I start with an idea of color and just start painting, no previous concept. Don and I noticed the fact that our dogs play at my feet while I paint is entering the painting as we both see dogs playing in the painting. Nice to meet you.
Thanks Mary Ann. I wish I could take a decent picture of it so you could really see it, but I have a glare and have to sit to the side to see it or photo it. That is why it is a bit blurry.
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