A wonderful occurrence is happening on Flickr.
Artist Julia Kay has started a portrait party and artists
that are members of the party are painting each other.
No self portraits are allowed. People are posting photos
of themselves and artists are drawing, painting and
whatever other ways of expressing their take of the
photos. Most of these artists have not even met each
other. Go check it out: Portrait Party If you want to
see the photo the portrait is based on there is often
a link under the portrait,
I chose to post Rachel's wonderful new painting because
I love it and because we are good friends and I could call
her up and ask for permission to post.
Go check out Rachel's blog and her Flickr.
And the photo this was based on:

thank you Katherine for the honor, good to see Terffinger Daily is back!
Thank you! Madame Rachel! Been up and running for a couple of months Rachel, glad to see you back visiting.
Thanks for the post, Katharine - one of your readers just joined the party! Please join us yourself if you're ever inclined to play with portraiture.
And I just followed the link to your website - I love your paintings!
Thank you Julia for starting the party, visiting and commenting and for visiting my web site. And of course for liking my paintings. :^}
I am really happy someone went your way because of the post..that's what it is all about!
Thanks for visiting Yvette.
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