What is the meaning of doing art for you?
When I paint I love the feeling of play and freedom
that emerges on my canvas . I feel unfettered, as
though all the sensations inside are released on the
canvas before me. Often I have felt the sensation
of healing or escape when I am painting. I can use
whatever I am experiencing and channel it into my
art, making something strong and positive regardless
of it's origin. Each of my works is a celebration of life
and all its experiences. I believe that, when I am
creating, I am closer to that self that I want to be.
I believe in the power of imagination and that all
humans are strong creative entities. As a special
education teacher it is important to me to share that
belief, and I try to help my students find their own
inner power. I teach them that we are all responsible
for our own healing and that we are all capable of
actualizing the reality we've imagined. I feel invincible
and whole when I am in my world of art. I feel that
I am part of something beautiful and powerful and
joyous. That is why I create.
Kathy's blog address is:
Her Flickr photostream is:
Katherine & Katherine ! Ha! - anyway, really interesting journal page - love your use of color and pattern....
Jeane thank you for visiting Kathy's lovely art and words. Thank you also for following this project!!!
Kathy's art and Kathy's words connect to me on so many levels. I create and love art for many of the same reasons she does. I have found a kindred spirit in Kathy through our Blogland connection and it is so cool to see her featured here in this wonderful and imaginative project.
I will be back to peruse more asap !
Kim thank you for visiting. Kathy's response to the question is fabulous. The post was working that day and wouldn't take a cut and paste. I had to type it in and I was so glad because I really had the opportunity to absorb her wonderful words. It was such a great attitude to start the day with.
Nice to meet you. Hope to hear from you again.
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