"What is the meaning of doing art for you?"
I spent a large part of my childhood being taken from
art gallery to museum to art gallery.My father is a lover
and collector of art…so at home I was constantly surrounded
by paintings, antiques and other interesting old stuff. I’m
sure growing up in an environment like this, was a strong
introduction and had something to do with why I create
and love art to this day. As a strong willed child who needed
her independence and clashed with parental rules on a
regular basis, the peace I felt when I picked up a pencil to
draw, was my saving grace, where time would just slow
down enough, for me to calm down, and work through
whatever it was I was needing to sort out!
Although I grew up around art, it was never really
encouraged that I follow art as a possible career. So never
really being formally trained in the “arts” I have had this
lifelong, ongoing thirst for art and art knowledge. To be
really honest, I have always felt art to be a struggle, not so
much the technical side of it. I have troubles in the conception
side of it all. Besides all of this, I am drawn to art, like a moth
to the flame, and although I get singed at times, the lure is as
strong for me as the need to breath. So the answer to the
question of "'What is the meaning of doing art for you?" has
got to be, that art gives me a "place to go", where I have
the time to calm down, and indulge my need to explore all
sorts of things, including the questions and problems of life
and the human condition.
Jo's blog : http://mystory-jo.blogspot.com/
Her email: johorswill@yahoo.com.au
I really like the comment 'art gives me a place to go'. I think that is so true for most of us. Jo's collagraph is wonderful. It is reminiscent of a cave painting for me. Thank you for introducing her work to me.
Jo’s sense of esthetics really resonates with me. I love her work with figures and nature. As well, her choice of color is stunning – quite and calm but very intriguing. I always feel deeply satisfied when I look at Jo’s work, and read her words.
I agree with Jo in her words a "place to go". Her work is both strong and delicate and her skills are outstanding! I am always interested in her work, her colors are captivating and subjects thoughtful. I would so love to step into a gallery with Jo's work covering the walls!
Jo is absolutely one of my favorite artists on the planet! love this piece and of course the reasons 'why' - xxo
Seems we are all relating to "some place to go" I feel like this often, when I'm not working I'm wishing I was. It's a life line and a safe place to be.
How fabulous Zappha that this introduced you to Jo. I count that as a success. I love it when that happens.
Leslie I feel the same way. I especially like this piece, it reminds me of the ancient lineage and wisdom of the Aboriginal people of Australia. But I really love Jo's sensibilities in all the work I have seen of hers.
Mary Ann, Jeane and Rachel to keep from repeating myself in response to the comments I will thank you all at once for visiting and commenting on Jo's beautiful work and response to the question.
I resonated with a different part of her response: "I have always felt art to be a struggle, not so
much the technical side of it. I have troubles in the conception side of it all." I couldn't have said it better. Thank you Jo for participating.
The conceptualisation of a work is probably one of the easier aspects for any artist, the fact that she is able to put this into an appealling and attractive artwork is rare...
I love this collagraph.....The figure has such purpose in her stride.
Jo is one of those special people who makes me feel creative whenever I visit her blog. I relate very well to the feeling of being drawn "like a moth to a flame" and the need for "a place to go".
Shaun I wish I could agree with you but then that would be because conceptualiztion was easy for me. It is very difficult. I do agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of Jo's art work.
Robyn thank you for your visit and wonderful comments.
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